
Prayer & Worship

We pray the Morning Prayer Office together each day, with a mid-week Eucharist service from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, and sing together.


To counter the brute barbarism and lack of charity in our culture, gymnasium class provides formation in chivalry, self-control, and discipline. This class is an opportunity for physical activity in the middle of the morning.


We seek to approach books, history, and reading with curiosity and imagination. Through encounters with the Great Conversation, our children are encouraged to develop a sense of interest, creativity, and enthusiasm for exploring God, the World, and themselves. The relationships students form with ideas are to mature throughout their studies and life. Humanities classes include: history, literature, and geography focused around a particular developing story of history. 

Nature Studies

We want to train our students to become local naturalists of where they grow up. In Nature Studies students will be keeping records of weather, plants, animals and the landscape in a Nature Notebook. We take weekly Nature Walks to the Ulupo Heiau to develop a familiarity and love of the plants and insects of the area. In-class lessons will focus on learning natural processes. This Nature Studies approach aims at cultivating the students’ love of their home, deepening their sense of place, and a wonder at the intricacy and beauty of the Natural World. We follow the Charlotte Mason method in our Nature Studies curriculum.

Language Arts

In the younger years, we use this class as an opportunity to teach reading, writing, spelling, and handwriting. We use All About Reading, Writing Without Tears, and Shurley English curriculum. Then in the upper elementary years, we use focus on writing and grammar in this class— using Shurley English and the Institute for Excellence in Writing. In the middle school years, we will be using The Lost Tools of Writing curriculum to hone students’ writing skills. It’s our goal to equip our students to thrive as articulate communicators and writers.


These courses aim at developing students’ love and understanding of God through the Biblical story of Creation, Fall, and Redemption from Genesis to Revelation. We use the Ælfred Rex Bible curriculum for these classes.


Understanding an ancient language opens up a new world for a person. We believe that investing in learning this language opens up the classical and medieval world for our children. The appreciation, love, and understanding of a world beyond our own, frees our students to see our own world with a broader and deeper perspective.

Math Study

In the afternoons, there is time for Form I, II & III to get out their math books (or laptops if they do math digitally) at the SBH campus and work with parents or tutors for 40 minutes. If Math has already been completed, working on other subjects is permitted.


Once a month, we visit somewhere different that has particular value for our students to deepen their love and understanding of our unique island and its culture. Some trips will focus on nature studies and other trips will be historically or culturally focused.